On Sunday the wife and daughter of alleged swindler Earl Jones issued an apology to his clients, saying that they are devastated by Jones' disappearance, and the emptying of multple accounts.

In the statement issued through a prominent publicist, Maxine and Kristine Jones expressed their "shock, grief, shame and outrage" about the financial advisor's business dealings.

They have promised to co-operate with the investigation, and pointed out that one of Jones' daughters and her husband were also invested with Earl.

But Jones' clients aren't buying it.

On Monday the investor's clients issued their own statement.

"His family will surely not be seeking accountants, notaries and legal counsel without funds. His family will probably not be seeking the number to Sun Youth to sustain themselves with basic food and medication needs. His family will probably not be losing sleep over where they may have to live next month."

Nancy and Ted Pappin are two clients who are now struggling. When their dividend cheques from Jones started bouncing, their bills could not be paid, and last week their phone was cut off.

Nancy has cerebral palsy, and her phone line is also a lifeline.

"If I need anybody I just have to push a button and it rings at the hospital," said Nancy.

The victims say if the Joneses want to help the investigation, they should turn Earl in.

For now, he's nowhere to be found.