CTV News has learned that disgraced financial consultant Earl Jones has hired a lawyer, and that he has been in regular contact with Jeffrey Boro ever since he vanished from sight two weeks ago.

On Tuesday, CTV News reporter Rob Lurie spoke to Boro at length.

Boro says he has advised his client to stay in seclusion.

The police know Jones is available if they want to talk to him, but there is no arrest warrant for Jones.

Boro said that Jones is in Canada, and has been here aside from a a short trip to the U.S. to visit his daughter.

"I think if you see what's been written in the press, I don't think it's a comfortable situation for Jones. There have been threats made and for the time being it's advisable that he stays out of harm's way," said Jones.

Boro says he is ignorant about the location of the missing millions.

"I don't know where the money is, I haven't asked Mr. Jones about the money or what hass happened with the money. I only know as much as what I'm reading in the newspaper, which would seem to indicate that money was taken from Peter to pay Paul."

Boro also says that Jones is deeply disturbed by the unraveling of his business.

"He's a very troubled person and if I was to pick up the paper tomorrow and see that he has taken his life it would not be a surprise."

On Wednesday, Boro will meet with police to learn more about the case.