'Twas six days before Christmas, when all through downtown,

Shoppers were frantic, their faces a-frown,

Credit limits were mounting, to the roof, to the top,

Maureen Doolub at Kiehl's said, "Before the doors even opened we had people knocking, saying, 'I have a long day, can I shop?'"

Some shoppers wandered, while others had a plan,

Like Ed Murphey: "I've got a list. I just go from store to store and run as fast as I can."

Now's the time, said shopping guru Robert Soroka, to go out and shop,

"Price points have gone down... and they're continuing to drop."

So go get those gifts - a tie, a Wii, a snowplow,

"If you want your Boxing Day sales, go out today," said Soroka. "Go shopping now."