You know how it goes. With friends like these…

The message from the Quebec Liberals to the English speaking community is we don't matter.

Forget principle. Forget so-called "Liberal values." Or who turns out massively to vote for the Liberals.

We don't matter.

Our public education system needs urgent help just to survive, but don't expect the Charest Liberals to help. In fact, its almost like English education in Quebec is a plague. The Liberals are even boasting that they aren't helping English schools. This is pandering at its worst.

So instead of making access to schools just a tad easier, our friends the Liberals are tightening the screws.

Can you imagine what a mess this so-called solution will be? Kids wanting access to English schools will be awarded points by faceless bureaucrats who will decide their futures.

Points? Like Air Miles, get so many and you get a free trip to English education.

You know if I were a francophone parent I would be so angry that I could not give my child the benefits of some English education.

The world increasingly operates in English. Most non-English countries don't feel threatened by it. It's a fact of life. Polls show most francophone parents would love to have the option.

They are legislated to go to French schools only.

The Quebec Liberals aren't ready to help us.

They aren't interested in saving English public education by allowing us any new blood, even from English-speaking countries.

They've forgotten about us and they seem to be proud of it.

Maybe it's high time we do the same.

The word for Mulroney is "inappropriate"

The cheque is not in the mail, and somehow I don't think it ever will be

The $2.1 million we paid out to Brian Mulroney that is.

The word of the week from Justice Jeffrey Oliphant is "inappropriate."

"Inappropriate" is how he describes the relationship our former prime minister had with Karlheinz Schreiber.

The bags full of undeclared money in hotel rooms: "inappropriate"

The fact that Mr. Mulroney failed to disclose the truth during pretrial hearings in his suit against the Canadian government: "inappropriate."

Mr. Mulroney once talked of political leaders needing to meet the highest standards of office.

Clearly those standards were not met.

We will never get better leaders until there is more accountability, not only when they are in office but when they leave.

But his legacy will be forever tarnished by this. Canadians need an apology, and perhaps restitution. The cheque in the mail?

Don't hold your breath.