BAIE D'URFE - Police investigating an attack at an SAQ outlet in Baie d'Urfé now believe the woman shot during the crime may have been deliberately targetted.

Constable Yannick Paradis said while police initially thought the crime was a robbery gone wrong, they have reason to re-evaluate the case.

"At this point we have to figure out the motive since we know nothing was stolen from the business," said Paradis.

On Monday Oct. 18, two men walked into the store shortly after 12 o'clock and shot the 58-year-old clerk in the neck.

They immediately fled without taking anything; not the money in the cash register, and no liquor.

The victim is now paralyzed and may never recover.

Several merchants who work in the strip mall say the woman had only recently started working at this particular outlet, after having worked at several other SAQ stores.

They say she is from Rigaud, is the mother of several children, and was very kind.

The SAQ is not talking about the attack, but issued a written statement saying it was offering its full support to the victim, her family, and her fellow employees.

The crown corporation also said it is fully co-operating with police in their investigation.

Sun Youth is now offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to an arrest, and say many people are offering financial help for the woman and her family.

Anyone with information about the attack is asked to call Info Crime at 514-393-1133.