The City of Westmount is planning a $37 million rebuild of its arena and pool, but critics say the project is too big, too expensive, and not suitable for Westmount Park.

Daphnee Azoulay is one of those critics who loves the park just the way it is.

"To construct an arena in a park like this with cars coming a lot, pollution -- for me, it makes no sense," said Azoulay.

Patrick Barnard also thinks the plan is excessive.

"We are for a new arena, but we are against a project that is extravagant, over the top, wasteful and irresponsible. As the project stands now, it's a gross waste of public money," he said.

However Mayor Peter Trent says opponents are failing to see the expansion of greenspace.

With an outdoor pool and two underground NHL-size hockey rinks, Trent says the grassy areas of the park will be expanded.

"This does two things: first of all it means that the park doesn't have a great big building in it, but it also means we can liberate about an acre of greenspace by putting the rinks underground," said Trent.

Westmount is receiving $20 million in grants from the federal and provincial governments for the project.

It also sent out a survey last spring to gauge public opinion, and the proposal came back with an overwhelming 83 percent public support.

Critic Nina Safdie says the actual turnout was rather low.

"Peter Trent keeps saying, "Well, we had a vote! We had a vote! We had a vote! Only 27 or 28 percent of the whole population voted -- that's out of 20,000 people," said Safdie.

For his part, Trent says the opposition is coming too late.

"We had our approval 15 months ago. Now a few people are saying they have a petition and that we should stop the project or reduce the project because of their petition, but that's 15 months late," Trent said.

The city plans to put out a call for tenders next year.