Every year economist and financial planner Arnold Zwaig heads to the U.S. for the Berkshire Hathaway shareholder meeting.

Warren Buffet's company posted profits of $3.3 billion in the first quarter of the year.

According to Zwaig, going to the meeting is "a way of touching base with a great investor, one of the world's wealthiest men, and an expert in value investing.

so it's a great way of sort of making sure your compass is set straight."

This year many were concerned about what will happen if Buffet retires, or passes away. (He is being treated for Stage 1 prostate cancer.)

"His son will be the chairman," said Zwaig.

"He and the board have spent a lot of time identifying alternates and one gentleman in particular but he won't name the name because he doesn't want it to change the focus of the company."